Agias Filaxeos 104, Limisso, Cipro
MAG - Magnetar

Magnetar is an International and National Project Development and Implementation Organization based in Limassol, Cyprus.
The company's activities include national and EU co-funded projects, offering services for covering needs for society and the entrepreneurial environment and also addressing the priorities of the European Commission and the Member States of the EU. Magnetar tackles societal challenges regarding employability, youth support, entrepreneurship, environmental impact and more.
Magnetar has a Global and Wide Network of collaborators such as Universities, Public Organizations, Ministries, Municipalities, Technology and Science Parks, Research Institutions, Chambers of Commerce, Incubators and Accelerators, Youth Organizations, VET Providers, R&D Companies, Social / Solidarity / Employability Support Organizations and many more.
Magnetar’s staff has multiyear experience in co-funded projects and all services connected.
The company’s main research and project activities, revolve around project development and implementation in:
• Inclusion.
• Supporting/encouraging/promoting Entrepreneurship and Employability.
• Trainings and Capacity Building in various sectors (soft skills and upskilling).
• Innovation, Start -Ups & New Technologies.
• Sustainable Development and Environment.
• Digital Transformation and IoT.
• Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
• Tourism and coastal development.
• Renewable Energy and Energy Saving technologies and techniques for all sectors (Public, Municipalities, Industry and Enterprises).
• Blue Growth - Maritime and Marine.
• Sport & Health.
• Sustainable Green Mobility.
• Smart Cities and Technologies.
• And more.